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For Learning’s Sake!
Larry Krammer - Playwright & Activist
Gender Fluidity in The First World War
The Mascarade and Civic Balls ******** (Drag Balls)
Anti-Sodomy Laws: The Buggery Act
And, Finally, We Got Homosexual - We Become A Terminology
Randy Wicker - An Unsung Hero LGBT Rights/LGBT Activist
Did The AIDS Crisis Accelerate Gay Rights in America?
The Upside Down Pink Triangle
“It was the worst of times, it was also the best of times” - The Early Days of the HIV Pandemic
The Military’s Rainbow Evolution
A living history of the LGBT Movement - May 16th - National Honour Our LGBT Elders Day (USA)
Long live Queen James: A review of King James and the History of Homosexuality
LGBTQIA+ Icons Present and Past -Bayard Rustin & Civil Right Movement
How did black, gay, and transgender movements start working together?
How Gay Conversion Therapy Started in the 19th Century
How a Gay Man First Compared Homosexuality to Paedophilia
Blackout for LGBTQ Education. Support for LGBTQ Education in Scools
Homosexuality In The American Revolutionary War
How Being LGBTQ Was Accepted in The Civil War
Chester Higgins Discusses the ACT UP Movement, His Coverage of The Topic transcript - Link below)