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500 Words: Black Lives Matter

Updated: Dec 18, 2023

book cover: 500 words - Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter: short stories by children

“500 Words” is a project launched in 2011 to encourage children to explore their creativity and the power of storytelling in just 500 words.

To mark its 10th anniversary, they launched an extra edition of the competition: “500 Words: Black Lives Matter” as the movement started to spread across the globe. The whole project, from conception to finish, was done in just four weeks, an incredible feat.

The result is a published book of 100 stories, poems and essays written by children aged 5 to 13. These young writers showed a remarkable understanding of the movement and the issues of systemic racism. It is often the case, that the best place to seek wisdom and clarity on difficult issues is in the minds of young children.

“I believe the children

Are our future

Teach them well and

Let them lead the way”

Whitney Houston

One Love

by Ellis Williams

The car door slammed shut as Marley got out of his mum's black shiny car.

He and Elijah were on a mission to get to the Black Lives Matter protest. The boys were excited as they could hear people shouting loudly, Black Lives Matter!

As they walked up the hill, they saw lots of people of all ages, colours and genders. But each person was the same because they all carried a banner to support Black Lives Matter. Elijah looked at Marley with his deep brown eyes. The expression on his face was as serious as a lion’s stare. Nothing was going to stop them today. Suddenly, from out of the bushes, two boys appeared causing Marley and Elijah to stop dead. One of the boys was dressed all in black, apart from a white cap and white and gold trainers. The other boy, who was taller, wore a white tracksuit.

Marley and Elijah noticed that the boys also held a large banner above their heads. As they got closer, Elijah tapped Marley nervously. He could see what was written on the banner. Unlike everyone else on their way to the protest, the message was different. It said, “White Lives Matter”.

The boys approached Marley and Elijah aggressively.

The taller boy said angrily “Why is it all about black lives? What about white lives? Don't we all matter?”

Marley stepped forward. He was shaking inside but tried hard not to show it. “Listen guys, we are all in this together. It is not against white people to say that black lives matter. It is because all lives matter and we are all the same race - the human race. The colour of a person's skin should not matter but when black people are being treated badly around the world, this is not ok and we need to show up to let everyone know that this must not go on.”

Elijah said, “Of course all lives matter but this is a protest for black lives because we have not been treated the same as white lives.”

Marley continued: "We are not asking for special treatment. All we're asking is to be treated the same. Is that so much to ask. Black people have had harder times. White people have good times. They never have to worry about being treated differently because of the colour of their skin. This is what we're talking about.”

Marley’s nerves had disappeared by now.

He went on. “Our differences are what make us special. No one is better than the other. As the say in Jamaica - out of many, one people.”

The two boys were silent. Marley and Elijah could see that the boys were thinking carefully about what they had told them and were remorseful. Marley and Elijah were jubilant - they had made a change! They carried on to the protest as proud and happy as could be. They went down on one knee, put their fist in the air and shouted “One Love!”.

November, 20th

Black Consciousness Day (Brazil)


World's Children Day

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