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Blackout for LGBTQ Education. Support for LGBTQ Education in Scools

Updated: Jan 15

(Transcript of presentation by Professor Pride / Powered by Rainbow -

Link below the text)

drawing of man and rainbow
Talk Rainbow

Around the world, children go to school and never learn anything about the people, the events, historic decisions and the movements which have changed the course of history.

Our schools refuse to teach anything about LGBTQ topics for fear that the 11.7% of our kids out there might feel normal for loving who they love and for living their authentic gender.

Studies show leaving these things out of our education is bullying These LGBTQ children not just by their classmates, but by their school administrators.

That's why every October in international LGBTQ History Month, we set aside our broadcast for the entire month to help teach important lessons from history.

Try as others may, LGBTQ people cannot be erased from our history books, literature, science, maths, geography, religion, health, sexual education and more.

During this month of broadcast, you'll see tons of different lessons on LGBTQ history, but we encourage you to go to or go to the playlist tab on our YouTube channel here to find over 450 free courses on all of these subjects.

Today, we are blacking out our broadcast and protest, and demanding change because we will not be erased from history.

Look forward to new episodes covering LGBTQ history all month long and, please, call upon your school districts around the world to help bring LGBTQ education to every student worldwide, because it's time we stop the hate, and it's time we teach our children how to love.

Professor Pride.

Have a gay day, everyone, and bye for now.



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